Enterprise Technology for Everyone.

We can do that by Solving Your Next.

Networks, Servers, Cloud, Cybersecurity, User Devices, Data Cabling, and more!

Whether you need a super fast network, WIFI for your warehouse or school, servers to run your business, or the best in cloud capabilities, Solvonex has hundreds of options for you.

Did you need Microsoft volume or Office 365 licensing? We have small business to enterprise and educational licensing at great prices.

Data cabling, cybersecurity, building security, PCs, backup solutions, voice and telecom solutions, Internet bandwidth, power solutions, audio/video…whew! We could go on, but it gets better than just products.

Our Managed IT solutions with decades of enterprise IT and business consulting services can help your organization achieve its goals to stay on top.

We do all of those things and more by concentrating on Solving Your Next.

Our People Have Done the Work

Some IT consulting firms are very adept at telling you what to do and selling the hottest piece of tech they get good margins on. They put a monthly number on their services without qualification of who you are or what you need for your technology. They also only go an inch deep when you need a mile.

Think about it for just a moment: have they really done the hard IT work? Have they actually worked in an IT department and understand operations? Do they just put a number on a monthly managed services offering without understanding you? Where is their breadth of real business and technology knowledge?

Solvonex has decades of real-world, hands on experience building and running IT departments. Big or small, our people have built solutions, justified the budgets to executives, and fought the good fight to get things done right the first time. Yes, we have even frozen in a cold data center at 3 AM restoring systems after major outages and sat in board rooms hammering out solutions for the highest level of executive. We are those people that do the real work.

We don’t just “talk” about IT. We never use slick sales tactics and gloss over the details to get a simple sale. We do not sell first and design second. We are not those tech people who just cannot get your business needs but talk bits and bytes only.

Solvonex EXCEEDS at IT and business. We stay enterprise minded for every size of organization never assuming anything about you until we assess what is going on in your organization to find your truth. This approach and our experience provides the best possible outcome for you and your team.

We are engineers and problem solvers with great products and deep experience to back us up. Our people tell you what we think, why we think it, and listen to your needs. We have strong business instincts and are inclusive in our consultative delivery. Just because we did something yesterday does not mean that it works for tomorrow, so we are constantly evolving our thinking.

Who are our clients? They are open minded people who want a true partner in dealing with their technology needs. Our clients are interested in communicating proactively about their needs and engage with us. They typically have anywhere from 50 to thousands of employees.

Our clients also see the value in what we bring to the table and are willing to listen to us as a trusted advisor. Our clients know and see our worth, and yes, our clients are willing to invest in a partnership. We are Indiana based, have reasonable pricing, and we always work hard to get you the best outcome.

Solvonex has done the work, and we want to become your trusted partner to Solve Your Next. If you are ready for a true consultative partner, contact us.