My company is too small for me to be worried about data breach, right?

Small businesses, non-profits, and schools are often considered to be at a lower risk of data breaches than larger corporations. However, this is not always the case. In fact, these organizations can be more susceptible to data breaches due to a lack of resources and expertise in cybersecurity.

Small businesses and non-profit organizations often have limited budgets and may not have a dedicated IT team to manage their cybersecurity. Schools, especially private schools, do not have adequate resources to attract and retain talent in this area. This can leave them vulnerable to cyber-attacks, as they may not have the necessary security measures in place to protect their data.

Additionally, small businesses may not have the resources to invest in employee training on cybersecurity best practices, leaving them at risk of falling victim to phishing scams or other forms of social engineering.

Furthermore, these organizations may not have the same level of visibility as larger corporations, making it easier for cybercriminals to target them without being detected. This can result in devastating consequences, such as a data breach can result in loss of customer trust, financial losses, and even legal repercussions.

Solvonex has seen many examples of smaller businesses not setting aside the proper resources such as funding or expertise to handle these issues. We have met with owners or leadership that just want to do the bare minimum yet wonder why their systems are insecure, why they have higher cyberliablity insurance premiums, or, and this is hard to say, why their companies don’t exist anymore. Many times, they tell us, “Well, we bought antivirus software…isn’t that enough? Why do more?” only to find out they had data leaked for years but just didn’t know it.

Unfortunately, everyone is at risk including churches, your local doctor, the florist, Grandma, your kids, and the US Government. None of us are completely free of the risk, but what we can do is take steps to mitigate the risk, train ourselves, dedicate time and resources which includes funding to combat the problem, and prosecute those that steal our data.

In conclusion, small businesses, non-profits, and schools are not immune to data breaches and can be more susceptible due to a lack of resources and expertise in cybersecurity. It is important to take proactive measures to protect their data and invest in cybersecurity to mitigate the risk of a data breach. Solvonex can help you get there. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve a better security footprint for your organization.


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